To all the EFA friends and family, we hope you are all safe and well! All construction activities are currently released from the Shelter-In-Place order
so EFA is getting back to work. EFA is currently open for business and our physical office is now open on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.

The past few months been a new experience for all of us, and thanks to the amazing support of our employees, clients and subcontractors,
we are coming out of this as a strong company!

We are living and working in this new normal, and for all EFA construction sites, COVID-19 Safety Protocols at the highest priority. The above
photo shows what entry to job sites looks like today: temperature checks, social distancing, hand wash stations, PPE, and regular cleansing.
We’ve taken the ZERO Tolerance pledge against non-compliance and in addition to abiding by local and state requirements, EFA has an
active safety team working diligently to help protect our workers and our community.

We are in this together and will get through this stronger.

Take care and be safe!!
